Own a Pre-2008 Mercedes-Benz?
As a Mercedes-Benz Service customer, you qualify for Mobilo 24 hour roadside assistance.
If your car is registered before 2008, you'll need to ensure that your physical service book is kept in your car at all times. In the event of needing roadside assistance, you will be asked to present proof of service which can be found within the physical car service history book.
If service history cannot be provided at this point, the case will go through to the RAC. To ensure the best experience for you, our customers, in these instances, the RAC will support you at the roadside and report these cases to Mercedes-Benz. If qualification can be proved, Mercedes-Benz will cover the costs to the RAC.
Therefore to help avoid any confusion and give you a seamless experience, if you have a pre-2008 registered vehicle, or a vehicle not applicable for DSB, please keep your